The Associated Students is a student-led organization at Western, located in the Viking Union. The Associated Students aim is to provide services, facilities, and programs to the entire Western community, with a focus on giving students exciting experiences and networking opportunities.
Everyone is encouraged to get involved in the student community on campus. There are over 200 student-led clubs, including sports, music, art, language, social services, and much more. You are sure to easily find a group of people with similar interests, but if you can't find the club you are looking for, then you can think about starting your own club. There are also 30 intramural sports on campus, a debate team, comedy troupe, and many more academic and professional societies.
The Outdoor Center provides exciting excursions so you can explore the stunning local landscape in a safe way, and learn more about the northwest lifestyle. Participating in the excursions is a great way to try something new, make friends, and learn new skills. Weekly outings include yoga, hiking, biking, and kayaking, and the center offers weekend long excursions for whitewater rafting or mountaineering.
Located on the third floor of the Viking Union, the Underground Coffeehouse is a great place to relax and have some coffee on campus. There are regular free events for students, including trivia, karaoke, open mic night, concert series, and much more. You can sign up to get involved in the events, or sit back in comfy couches to enjoy the show.